Tag Archives: video

Little Germany or my new fab artist, CRO

9 Déc

So for those you dont know yet, be prepared to meet heaps of Germans along the way in Australia. I could say you can even call Australia the little Germany. I heard there even more Germans traveling in New-Zealand. They are nice people, despite the fact that whenever  the opportunity comes out, they will start talking in there own language even though there are other people around ( Germans friends you cant denied this!)

But its not the subject I would like to talk about today. In fact I would love to introduce you CRO, a German rapper (always wearing a panda mask) who I absolutely love. Ok, I dont understand the lyrics, as you wont either but the vibe is good. Ill let you judge by yourself with this video.


Thanks to my fellow traveling German friends Phillipp Heine you showed me this video in the first place & Kilian Bucher for explaining me the lyrics. You have created an addiction!

Wanna see?

24 Oct

Lorsque nos proches sont en voyage, c’est toujours intéressant de savoir où ils restent, de quoi ont l’air leur amis, de quoi bon dieu se nourrissent-ils ? (En tout cas, je trouve.) Thanks to Facebook, cette tâche est devenue plus facile, mais tout de même quelques secrets demeurent.

Alors, laissez-moi vous présenter mon ami Sully, de son vrai nom Michael Sullivan. Sympathique jeune homme que j’ai connu il y a deux ans à Londres et chez qui je réside présentement (Thanks mate!).

Véritable fan et joueur remarquable de cricket (sport pas du tout intuitif si vous voulez mon avis), il est aussi maniaque de vidéos. D’ailleurs dans le cadre d’un cours, il devait produire un court métrage, celui ci-dessus. Et dans ce fameux film, vous pouvez non seulement le voir en tant que personnage principal, accompagné de sa barbe impressionnante (qu’il n’a plus depuis) ainsi que le Shed. Le Shed est le repère par excellence de mes présents colocataires (Sully, Corey et Richard) ou la testostérone est de mise autant que l’insalubrité. Ma présence féminine est exceptionnellement tolérée.

Bref à vous de juger (avec parcimonie par pitié). Toute exagération est purement stylistique, bref tout va bien ne t’inquiète pas maman.

Pour vous mettre en contexte, voici l’introduction que Sully m’a écrit à propos du vidéo. Bon visionnement !

This was the last assignment I did for my film course.

Port Adelaïde or Port Power is one of two south australian, australian rules football teams and has a reputation in the AFL (Australian Football League) of having some of the worst, most bogan, dodgey, feral supporters/fans. As such they are often the butt of many a dodgey supporter jokes. Given the fact that myself and my good friend, who I did this assignment with, both barrack/support passionatly the Port Adelaïde football club we decided to make a short film about a supporte, Barry. The actual criteria for the assignment required us to use a range of camera angles as well as use a story that had not only a beginning middle and end, but also went from order disorder re-order. We filmed on a budget of $0 and it took us three extreme days to film and edit it. Even though we were in a group of three my friend and I literally wrote the whole script, filmed/acted and then did all the editing as well. This was mad fun to do.
I hope it makes sense and I hope you like.
